Members news from around the county
Policy Update

Devolution for Essex

We are entering a critical period for devolution in Essex. As reported last month this is back on the agenda following the letter from the Deputy Prime Minister shortly after the election inviting areas to submit proposals for devolution by the end of September. There was a lot of work done last year to develop proposals for Essex, which ultimately did not go forward, mainly because of a lack of wide political support. This was a great disappointment to Chambers members and so far as we know to Essex businesses generally as it meant the opportunity to do many things more strategically – including around transport planning, business support and skills - was missed. But not lost entirely: those proposals are being revived and updated and we try again.

It won’t be plain sailing though; although the political landscape has changed it is still by no means certain that agreement can be reached locally on the devolution proposals, so it is imperative that the business voice is heard loud and clear. The Chambers will be lobbying local politicians hard over the coming weeks and we are ready to help and advise any individual members who wish to express their support on how best to do so.

As reported last time the Chambers is very involved with the three local authorities (Essex County, Southend and Thurrock) in putting together a new business board which will have genuine influence over the direction of a growth strategy for Essex. 

Here is the slidepack again which sets out the key points in regard to the devolution process.

If you wish to know more about devolution and what it could deliver for business or to get involved in helping the business voice be heard please do get in touch with our Head of Policy, Iain McNab on 07929 522 951.

Freeport East and transport infrastructure

Members who have a particular interest in transport infrastructure in the Freeport East area (north east Essex) may wish to note that Transport East, the sub-national Transport Body for Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Southend and Thurrock - have been commissioned by Freeport East to support the development of a Transport Masterplan and have identified Essex Chambers of Commerce as an interested party.

The Transport Masterplan seeks to identify the transport investment requirements that would enhance connectivity, boost economic growth, and improve the overall quality of sustainable access to and from the Freeport East tax sites at Felixstowe Port, Harwich International Port (Bathside Bay), and Gateway 14 (Stowmarket).

As a first stage the Chambers has been invited to contribute to the ‘insights and information gathering’ phase of the project. Transport East are particularly interested in understanding the transport projects and interventions considered as key enablers for growth, whether accommodating volume and capacity constraints or enabling modal shift and supporting carbon emission reductions. 

It is likely that much of this information will be available online or is already known to Transport East but to keep things simple it would be helpful if any members who wish to push for particular transport improvements in the area could let me (Iain McNab) know what those are by 11 September and I can make sure they are considered as part of this work.

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