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Our Story

Twenty years ago give or take a decade, I was sat on the floor in my parents front room, trying to work out how to be allowed more time on the computer. My interest wasn’t so much in programming, hacking or developing the first ever relational database. I simply wanted to play games.

This was a little before the time of the internet, GUI’s and social networking.

Alas it wasn’t before the time of perceptive mothers and small houses. A combination which has thwarted the developmental ability of many a budding PC gamer.

My approach to resolving this minor conundrum was to identify the culprit which had served to alert my parents. I was able to swiftly eliminate my sisters from the list courtesy of their recognised preference for getting me in trouble only after I re-engineered (broke) things. The enemy was the multitude of whirring fans which loudly announced the activation of the beige monolith which was the home computer.

So I did what any other bright young person would do. I took the computer apart and took out all the fans.

A lot of things happened after that. Fortunately I had the foresight to keep a fire extinguisher nearby. Over the course of a few weeks I worked out how to completely eliminate the fans whilst managing to retain an operational computer. After a significant number of iterations, admittedly.

And thus Zanshuri was born.

Today Zanshuri has become established as a world leader in the development of energy efficient computer systems. Our designs have found use in emergency response, finance, commerce and healthcare to name but a few. We constantly strive to reduce energy consumption, environmental impact and cost, whilst increasing performance and reliability. And we’re good at it.

Take a look at some of the case studies submitted by our previous clients, detailing how Zanshuri systems are making a positive difference in all they do. Then take part in the Zanshuri story yourself.

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