Essex County Fire and Rescue Service is committed to working with local businesses to reduce the number of deliberate and accidental fires in commercial premises.
The Service’s dedicated Business Engagement team provide advice and support to Essex businesses in order to promote legal compliance (under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005), practical advice and direct support at business events across Essex.
The Team consists of, from left to right, Fire Safety Advisors Kate Doyle, Gary Edgcombe, Todd Parrott, Alison Loades (Alison is the manager of the team), Robert Gibby.
On our website you will find a range of information and links to guidance which has been published to assist responsible persons to comply with current legislation and make your business safer. This includes:
Fire Risk Assessments
If you have a business, you have a legal duty to make sure that it is safe for yourself and your staff, customers, visitors, and anyone else who may use or attend your premises. Part of this legal duty is to carry out a recorded Fire Risk Assessment.
Preventing arson in your business
One of the most serious fire risks to your premises is from deliberate fire. If you own or manage a business, view our precautions that will help to protect your business and reduce the likelihood of arson happening.
Automatic Fire Alarms
We are actively working to reduce unwanted fire signals from false alarms. Our webpage provides information on the negative impact false alarms have on your business, the wider community and the Fire Service, as well as common causes, strategies to reduce them, and your responsibilities as a Responsible Person.
We're committed to simplifying fire safety to help keep businesses safe from fire.
If you need further advice, get in touch via: